HTHP Symposium 2022
The High-Temperature Heat Pump Symposium 2022 was held on 29-30 March in Copenhagen. The two days of the symposium consisted of presentations, poster presentations, and site visits to four different installations.
The two days of the High-Temperature Heat Pump Symposium 2022 consisted of 36 presentations and 9 poster presentations as well as a plenary discussion that carried the headline: Fulfilling the potential - how many industrial heat pumps are realistic and how do we get there?
The presentations were organized in different sessions focusing on:
- Technology developments and perspectives
- Regulatory frameworks and business models
- HTHP technologies
- Process integration
- System and sector integration
- Heat pump-based steam systems
The symposium was a clear indication of the increasing interest in high-temperature heat pumps, and it showed that HTHPs are beginning to gain momentum across industries. An observation that became clear at the two-day symposium is that partnerships between technology suppliers, end-users, knowledge institutes etc. are essential if we are to exploit the potential of HTHPs towards the 2030 goals. In order to do so, a list of - critical - actions became clear:
- Facilitate the installation of market-ready technologies in (subsidized) commercial projects (up to 120 °C)
- Develop, test, and demonstrate the solutions which are on the edge of commercialization (probably up to 150-160 °C)
- Advance the state-of-the-art for even higher temperatures (above 150-160 °C) along the entire TRL-scale
- Accelerate the multi-year transition of end-use industries from fossil fuel-based heat supply to heat pump-based heat supply
- Create awareness for the technology at a variety of stakeholders and educate the staff that is required to master this massive conversion.
As part of the symposium, four site visits were organized to sites with various systems (not necessarily HTHP systems). The four different sites were:
- Steam compressor test rig at Weel & Sandvig - a test rig for a two-stage steam compression system based on turbo-compressors.
- FlexHeat heat pump in Nordhavn (in Danish only) - the FlexHeat heat pump is operated by HOFOR (Greater Copenhagen Utility), and it has been developed as a system with high flexibility to enable fast regulation and provision of frequency reserves to the electricity grid.
- 16 MW air-source heat pump for district heating in Farum - the 16 MW heat pump was installed at Farum district heating/Farremosen (in Danish only), and it began operation in the beginning of 2021.
- Tårnby Forsyning - the new energy central at Tårnby Forsyning (in Danish only) is an innovative heat pump system combining heating and cooling with wastewater and groundwater. The system has won the EHPA prize for the heat pump project of the year in 2022 in the category 'Decarbindustry'.