Terms and Conditions
Check out the Terms & Conditions when registering for a complimentary Press Pass to cover the symposium as a member of the Press.
Terms & Conditions for Members of the Press with the High-Temperature Heat Pump Symposium
By registering as a Member of the Press with the High-Temperature Heat Pump Symposium (or HTHP Symposium), you have agreed to the following terms and conditions:
1. Members of the Press must name the event as the information source in any article written about/at the event: “High-Temperature Heat Pump Symposium 2026” or “HTHP Symposium 2026”.
2. Members of the Press are requested to accredit the Danish Technological Institute, DTU and SINTEF as the event organizers in any article written about/at the event.
3. The hashtag - #HTHPSymposium - must be used when referring to the event or to presentations given at the event on social media.
4. The HTHP Symposium retains the copyright of the conference, and therefore Members of the press will not film, copy or reproduce entire sessions or presentations for publishing to the wider public. Members of the Press are instead encouraged to quote, summarize discussions, and conduct interviews at the event.
5. Members of the Press are requested to gain permission from interviewees before quoting or publishing any materials from an interview. This is not required (but highly encouraged) when quoting from a presentation on stage. Permission is required in connection with 1-on-1 conversations or interviews.
6. Members of the Press are requested to send a copy of all articles written about/at the event to the HTHP Symposium before publishing. Please email to: info@hthp-symposium.org
7. Members of the Press may use the HTHP Symposium logo in articles when referring to the event. The logo is available for download on the HTHP Symposium website: https://hthp-symposium.org/press/
8. The HTHP Symposium retains the right to limit the number of Press Passes allocated to the event. Press Passes issued are for registered representatives only. Representatives will be required to present valid identification/accreditation.
9. Access to the event for Members of the Press who register on the day of the event will be dependent on allocated number of passes and capacity, therefore pre-registration is highly encouraged. Please reach out to Press Contact.
10. Access to the event for Members of the Press is limited to selected conference proceedings and networking functions during the day. You will be informed of these limitations on the day, all decisions are final, and the HTHP Symposium retains the right to limit or refuse entry where it sees fit.
11. Members of the Press must wear their event badges at all times and clearly identify as PRESS at all times.
If you have any questions about the above terms, please reach out to Press Contact:
Jannie Guldmann Würtz, Danish Technological Institute, jgw@dti.dk | +45 72201182.
- Read more about how you can get a free Press Pass for the next HTHP Symposium.