Meet SINTEF - one of the three members of the organizing committee.
SINTEF is involved in terms of Thermal Energy, which is a part of the unit SINTEF Energy Research.
SINTEF is one of Europes's largest independent research organisations with expertise in the fields of technology, the natural sciences, medicine, and the social sciences.
SINTEF's primary task is to create value and solutions for Norwegian industry and society. With more than 60 years' experience within research and development of heat pump technology, the Norwegian research institute has an extensive and versatile competence in the development of heat pump technology. The focus areas are, therefore, thermal insulation, sustainable heat pump technology based on natural working fluids, trans-critical processes, compact heat exchangers, compressors, and high temperature heat pumps. Knowledge and development of heat pumps are developed through a balance of theoretical considerations, numerical models, and experimental investigations.
Read more on their website: SINTEF Energy Research