DTU Construct
Meet DTU Construct - one of the three members of the organizing committee.
The Technical University of Denmark (DTU) is involved in terms of the Department DTU Construct.
DTU Construct conducts teaching and research in basic mechanics, advanced design tools, product development, energy systems, coastal hydrodynamics, and marine technology. The main activities of the department are research and education within thermal energy systems, including refrigeration and heat pump systems, process integration, heat transfer, combustion technologies, integrated energy system, power cycles and integration of biomass processes.
DTU Construct is an internationally renowned research institution with a strong focus on sustainability. The department is acknowledged for its expertise in modelling of heat pump and refrigeration systems, energy systems, and industrial processes. The strategy of DTU Construct comprises the decarbonization of heating processes of all kinds, which places a strong focus on industrial process heat demand.
Read more on their website: DTU Construct